At the doctor / family doctor - Let’s talk with the doctor about state of health, tests, medication, symptoms, diet

Ann: Good afternoon, Doctor Smith.

Doctor: Hello, Ann. How are you?

Ann: Not too well, doctor. I feel a bit tired lately. I don’t know what is happening to me.

Doctor: Let’s see your medical chart. How long have you been feeling this way?

Ann: Mm, for a few days. The truth is I have been working a lot, lately. This could be the reason for my worse state.

Doctor: Yes, you have to do blood tests to see what is wrong with your body. Let’s take your blood pressure. Hold out your hand and clench it into a fist, please. O yes, your blood pressure is pretty high. You really have to take medication, or your state will worsen. I think the reason is daily stress.

Ann: Possibly.

Doctor: Please tell me, do you smoke a lot?

Ann: Well, yes, I smoke about a whole package and I also drink a lot of coffee to last longer at work.

Doctor: Yes, unfortunately, your body can feel that and it reacts. Starting today, you have to stop smoking and reduce the amount of coffee you drink every day: a cup and nothing more. I will give you a prescription for blood pressure medication and a vitamin complex which will feed your body properly. You also have to avoid eating fats and sweet drinks, that is, you have to take on a healthier diet. More fruits and vegetables, lean meat.

Ann: And tell me, doctor, do these drugs have side effects: drowsiness or...

Doctor: No, they do not have such effects, don’t worry. You only have to watch out what you eat and take them on time. I’ll wait for you a week from now with the test results.

Ann: Thank you very much doctor. I’ll see you in a week.
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